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Morton's neuroma is a common condition in which thickening of the planetary nerve in the foot occurs due to pressure from the metatarsal bones.


In fact it is actually a benign growth of nerve cells that is created between the toes and causes pressure on nearby regions and thus pain or a feeling of paraesthesia that often stops after walking with a comfortable shoe (wide and flat) or barefoot.

נוירומה על שם מורטון. דר אהרון ליברזון.j

Morton's neuroma

Diagnosis and treatment of Morton's neuroma

  • The Morton's neuroma diagnosis is performed by x-raying the foot, to denounce a process of arthritis and then by U.S and MRI scan.

  • Treatment for this condition, including medication- injecting steroids into the area), searing with alcohol or using sound waves, as well as - surgery to remove the neuroma.

In which cases you should consult with a doctor?

  • You should seek medical help when there is pain in the feet that has recently appeared and is getting worse during walking.

  • For patients with neuroma, a doctor should be consulting with you if the pain persists even after treatment and replacement of the shoe or barefoot, as well as in any situation where there is a change or worsening of the pain.

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