A bunion is an expression of a common deformity of the foot, a phenomenon that causes aesthetic damage that can be severe.
In this kind of situation, the toe bends and leans towards the other toes of the foot, creating a bulge at the top of the metatarsal bones.
Actually, it's a deformity of the joint that connects the toe to the foot.
A possible complication of the condition is inflammation of the joint, leading to redness, regional fever and severe pain.

Correction of the hallux valgus -bunion.
Causes of bunion:
It is a condition that begins gradually between the ages of 30 and 50 and it is a condition that develops over the year
The cause of bunion is unknown, but possible factors suggested that squeezing shoes, as well as family history and rheumatoid arthritis.
How can we see this condition and diagnosed it, and how it should be treated?
The diagnosis of bunion is by X-raying the foot and by examining the patient's clinical condition.
The physician will likely recommend drug treatment with steroids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).
If the condition does not improve - surgical treatment should be an option when you are consulting with your doctor.
In which cases I should go and see a doctor?
You should see a doctor when the bunion is aesthetically disturbing.
When local redness, fever or pain develops and in a case of where the bunion has been diagnosed and there is pain - and now these pains are severe or changing in nature.
Given each of the above options, contact our clinic today, Dr. Aharon Liberson, to receive the most appropriate treatment and consulting and preventing deterioration in the condition of your foot.